
Should presenting be added as an official component in ES1102?

    My answer to this question is definitely YES!It is because writing skills and presentation skills are definitely different but rather relevant to our university life as well as our future careers.

    During the class, Brad provided a lot of chances for us to experience group discussions followed by class participation. I think it useful  to encourage us to brainstorm for ideas and easing our nervousness when speaking in front of a group of people. Moreover, the session of presentation taught me a meaningful lesson on how to deliver a formal and interesting presentation rather than a boring and academic-oriented one. Both the language used and the body gestures matter a lot. Moreover, peer evaluation is a direct and effective way to get feedbacks especially in improvements.

    ES1102 is a module aiming to prepare ourselves well in the later academic English application in different modules. Hence, the course structure should include the English skills in different  areas and of different levels. Presentation is no doubt on the top of the list.

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